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Alcatel again confirmed global n° 1 DSL supplier by Dell'Oro

摘要: August 26, 2004 - Alcatel announced that Industry Analyst firm Dell'Oro Group has reaffirmed


August 26, 2004 - Alcatel announced that Industry Analyst firm Dell'Oro Group has reaffirmed the company's worldwide lead in the DSL market. Alcatel's DSL market share for the second quarter of 2004 was 40.6% of the global amount of DSL lines shipped, close to three times that of the nearest competitor. According to Q2 2004 data from Dell'Oro Group, Alcatel now has a cumulative market share of 37.7% and a total of more than 49 million DSL lines shipped.

Last quarter, a change in growth patterns could be witnessed, in that regions that have traditionally shown regular shipment growth over the past years, such as APAC and to a lesser extent EMAI, experienced a dip, whereas the regions which have shown slower relative growth so far, such as North America and Latin America, saw a higher take-up.

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