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摘要: Sep.,2004--- Precis Nanotechnology (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd. renew membership with Infostone. About Pre

Sep.,2004--- Precis Nanotechnology (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd. renew membership with Infostone.

About Precis Design
Since 1997, Precis Design Corporation has been developing proprietary coating technology and services to deliver guaranteed thin film performance to global markets.

Customer support, R&D and prototype facilities based in San Jose, California, combined with large-scale manufacturing in Shen Zhen, China, enable Precis Design to provide complete product and service solutions.

To learn more about Precis Design, visit its website at http://www.precisdesign.com

本文地址:http://m.huaquanjd.cn//Site/CN/News/2004/09/16/20040916095211125000.htm 轉載請保留文章出處
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